
1.What can advertising do for me?

A good advert might bring in a lot of enquiries, but lead to few sales because it is poorly worded or badly targeted. Measuring the effectiveness of your advertising is absolutely key.

A well-designed advertisement can:

  • generate sales or enquiries; 
  • improve your company image;
  • create awareness of your products or services;
  • get the word out about a sales promotion or offer;
  • help establish you in a new location.

It is important to decide what your ad to achieve before you start writing it. Remember to lead with a customer-focused proposition - what problem can you solve for your audience?. Clear is better than clever.

 2.Where should I advertise?

Always match your customer profile with what the target segment reads or visits online. If you are uncertain, speak to a few target customers and find out.

Measure each of the approaches you are considering in terms of the cost per thousand target viewers. This comparison sometimes yields surprising results. For example, a poster in the high street may seem cheap, but it might only be read by a small proportion of your target audience. To reach a thousand people, it may need to be there for several weeks.

By comparison, a small ad in a specialist magazine may initially be more costly - but if it reaches the target audience effectively it may work out cheaper on a cost-per-thousand basis.

Using pay-per-click to get to the top of relevant search results could pay off even more quickly.

3. Should we do this?

Too often clients say, “Can we do this?” They are so enamored by what’s new and possible that they don’t stop to ask whether it’s right for the audience, right for the message, and whether it could work.

4.What are the benefits of digital marketing for my company?

Whether your business is taking advantage of it or not, social media has forever changed the way that consumers communicate with businesses, and vice versa. Being accessible to your customers – and your prospective clients – via social media is a vital means of developing relationships with them and helping them through the sales funnel.

5. Which social media platforms should my business have a presence on?

There is no set answer to this question because you need to have a presence wherever your customers are – and different businesses have different audiences. One demographic spends most of their time on Facebook, while another really only engages on LinkedIn, and some divide their time equally between three or more sites. Find out where your customers are, and follow them there.